In case of emergency situations, it is critical to rapidly develop situational awareness.  In numerous past incidents, the use of crowdsourcing tools has proven useful in collecting field information, locating citizens in need and manage the incident.

PARTICLE is experience in deploying open-source crowdsourced platforms that allows:

  • Data collection from multiple sources: SME, email, twitter; send custom surveys.
  • Responders App:responders can use their mobile phones and have up-to-date information about incidents.
  • Citizens App: citizens (including volunteers) can use their mobile phones to request help and send updated information (messages, photos, …). They can receive public information including warnings, alerts and safety instructions.
  • Public Safety and Rescue organisations can visualise information in rich form, such as maps, datastreams and statistical reports (including charts).
  • Public Safety and Rescue organisations can access, filter and share information with their teams and other organisations.
  • Automated alerts can be configured to be received in Apps, SMS and emails